Specialist driveway maintenance

If you have a gravel driveway in need of repair you need to call us!  We are proud to offer a specialised driveway maintenance service.  Over the years we have built up the necessary skills and equipment to maintain gravel driveways and tracks to a high standard.

Correct maintenance will save you in the long run 

Through proper maintenance we can help reduce the cost of owning a gravel formed driveway. The rule is simple - keep the aggregate on and the water off. If your driveway is graded correctly there will be less need for replacement aggregate or costly repair bills - not to mention is much nicer to drive on!


The right tool for the job


To grade a gravel driveway or track properly you require the correct equipment. In this case we use our purpose build grader tractor. This consists a 60hp, 4 wheel drive hydro-static John Deere tractor with a purpose built mid mounted grader blade fitted to it. The mid mounted blade has many advantages over the conventional 'floating blade' that you would normally see behind a tractor. The biggest benefit is down pressure - unlike other tractor blades we are able to apply downward pressure to cut into your driveway to effectively remove jutter bars and pot holes. 



We don't just fix & maintain driveways - we build them from scratch to!!


Because we have the right skills and equipment we are capable of constructing driveway, tracks and raceways from scratch. We can do this in a way to make for easy maintenance which will save in costs for years to come. Contact us if you are after a quality job that is cost effective and done right the first time.